Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Status of Women in Bhubaneswar Slums

Mrs. Sasmita Ray

Abstract :

The terms status signifies the slum total women of the various culturally & socially ascribed roles. One has to play & the right and dues inherent in a social position. This is what is known as ‘ascribed statuses. Besides the ascribed status there is also the ‘achieved status’ which results from one’s effort & personal achievement, the concept of status is used to indicate the ranking of individual in terms of attributes such as level of education, occupation, income, percentage of one’s status within the home and in the community, decision making roles, number of restriction imposed one one’s activities, freedom & the like, if we consider ‘status’ in the light of above attributed it is to be accepted that status of women varies from place to place & from time to time.

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MRS.SASMITA RAY Status of Women in Bhubaneswar Slums Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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