Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017


Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi, Dr. Priyanka, Dr. Vishwajeet Singh, Dr. Navneet Ateriya

Abstract :

 Forensic medicine have multiple discipline among them Identification is very important aspect. Identification means to explore identify of an individual which required in this civilized world. Measurements of different body parts is an age old process it can be applied with precision to estimate stature of a person living or dead hence delineating identity if previous records on the basis of either recall method or documentary evidences present. Anthropometry is a simple and easy to use tool. A fair attempt has been made through this study with aim & objectives to find out correlation between stature and left foot eadth, derivation of regression equations and multiplication factors and also to find out bisexual variation if any. This was hospital based analytical cross sectional study involving 200 cadavers. It was observed that left foot eadth showed significant positive correlation with supine length with significant bisexual variation (p<0.001). Regression equations derived found to give better estimation of stature in comparison to multiplication factors.

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Dr. Deepak Chaturvedi, Dr. Priyanka, Dr.Vishwajeet Singh, Dr.Navneet Ateriya, STATURE ESTIMATION MEASURING LEFT FOOT BREADTH IN INDIAN CADAVERS, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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