Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Statistics on Prevalence of Anaemia in Adults with Respect to Age, Gender and Religion : A study of Jammu city

Rakesh Chib

Abstract :

The present study was designed to assess the prevalence of anaemia according to age, gender and Religion among the apparently healthy adults of Jammu city. The young population, both males and females with age group 20–50 years from Jammu city, were studied for the prevalence of anaemia. The prevalence of anaemia in young females in the present study was 49.3% mild, 20% moderate and 1.15% severe anaemia cases which were included. Females were observed more in mild anaemia cases in the age group of 20–29 years may be due to sedentary activities, poor dietary intake and reproductive problems than the females in the age group of 30–39 years (50%). The male respondents were having better in haemoglobin profile than the females. Large population studies are needed to find out the cause and the type of anaemia along with other risk factors in all the age group irrespective of sex. In fact anaemia is a basic predictor of many diseases, therefore larger study should be conducted to know the actual prevalence of anaemia at national level.

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Rakesh Chib Statistics on Prevalence of Anaemia in Adults with Respect to Age, Gender and Religion : A Study of Jammu city Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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