Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2016

Standardization of Cotton Picking Bag for Farm Workers

Nirmal Yadav, Nisha Arya

Abstract :

 Farm workers are engaged in various agricultural operations like presowing, weeding, picking and post picking. All these tasks are time consuming and full of drudgery over the years. Access to affordable technology reduces drudgery, save time and increases work efficiency of farm workers. Adoption of such technologies radically changes their life. Cotton picking is one of the laborious tasks performed by the farm workers at the fields. Efforts have been made to develop user friendly cotton picking bag which would reduce the drudgery and increase their efficiency. The present study was carried out in pre dominantly cotton growing areas namely Sirsa and Fatehabad districts of Haryana with the objectives, to standardize cot bag for male and testing of cot bag prepared in different types of faic for male and female both. Designed and developed pick bag as per the standard anthropometric measurements of female farm workers was modified as per the standard anthropometric measurements of male farm workers and ready to use paper pattern was developed for further testing. Different faics were explored in local market keeping in mind the existing usages trend in the field and other hypothesis factors like strength, texture, weight, cost, width of faic, color and durability. Technical knowhow imparted to the extension personnel’s during training was found to be very useful as they would be able to utilize the knowledge while imparting training to the target group. These were distributed to extension personnel’s for further field testing & trial of technology to the rural men & women of various districts of Haryana. As it can also be tested for other purposes like: picking of flowers, vegetables etc.

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Nirmal Yadav, Nisha Arya Standardization of Cotton Picking Bag for Farm Workers Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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