Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2017


Supriya Dwivedi, Zaozianlungliu Gonmei, Ashutosh Kumar Dixit, Priyanka Gupta Bansal, Gurudayal Singh Toteja

Abstract :

 In the present study, stability of serum calcium and phosphorous was assessed for one year duration of storage at different temperatures (–20°C and –80°C). Forty aliquots each of 200µl were made from pooled serum. Fresh sample was analyzed within 4 hours of collection, considered as baseline value (t0). The serum aliquots were stored at –20˚C & –80˚C respectively which were analyzed over a period of one year and value was compared against baseline. Analysis of serum calcium and phosphorous was done on Automatic Analyzer (Roche Hitachi –902) in NABL accredited laboratory. Data was analyzed for serum calcium and phosphorus values obtained at different time points and storage temperatures (–20°C and –80°C). The results indicate clinically acceptable stability of one year for calcium stored at –20°C with not much gain at –80°C. Phosphorus is stable in serum for one year with better stability at storage temperature –80°C

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Supriya Dwivedi, Zaozianlungliu Gonmei, Ashutosh Kumar Dixit, Priyanka Gupta Bansal, Gurudayal Singh Toteja, STABILITY OF SERUM CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS AT DIFFERENT STORAGE TEMPERATURE, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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