Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Stability Improvement of Power System by Simultaneous Ac�Dc Power Transmission

M. Sai Sesha, Madhusudanarao, V. S. N. Narasimharaju

Abstract :

It is difficult to load long extra high voltage (EHV) ac lines to their thermal, Stability and dielectric limits as a sufficient margin is kept against transient instability. With the model proposed in this paper it will be possible to load these lines close to their thermal limits. The transmission lines are allowed to carry usual ac along with dc superimposed on it. The added dc power flow does not cause any instability. This thesis gives us the feasibility of converting a double circuit ac line into composite ac–dc power transmission line to get the advantages of parallel ac–dc transmission in order to improve stability and dampen out oscillations. The advantage of parallel ac–dc transmission for improvement of transient stability and dynamic stability and damp out oscillations has been established. Simulation has been carried out in MATLAB software package (Simulink Model). The results show the stability of power system both for natural response and response under faulty conditions

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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M.Sai Sesha, Madhusudanarao, V.S.N.NARASIMHARAJU Stability Improvement of Power System by Simultaneous Ac�Dc Power Transmission Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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