Volume : III, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Spirituality in Tagore’s Play the Post Office

Shah Sandip

Abstract :

Tagore takes life optimistically. Tagore always appears to believe in the eternal possibilities of human resources. An individual must remain an individual, and by remaining individual, one must explore and expand one’s valuable individuality for the goodness of one and universe. All his glory and honor is burnt into an excellence for the onward march of humanity. As Amal is in search of creation, he doesn’t mind to become a curd man or postman. He is in search of real happiness. An Individual cannot but emace the society to which he belongs, it is equally true that he cannot help doing justice to himself beå in mind the fact about the life of an individual permeates the process of discovering himself to enter deeply into oneself until and unless he is enlightened with the true meaning of his very existence, the meaning of life.

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Shah Sandip Spirituality in Tagore’s Play the Post Office Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.VI June 2013

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