Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Some Haematological and Biochemical Profiles of Typhoid Fever in IGBOS of Nigeria.

Emenuga V. N. , Ureme S. O. , Ohanu M. E, Ejezie F. E. , Nnabuchi C. I.

Abstract :

This work is aimed at investigating the biochemical and haematological effects of typhoid fever in a Nigerian population. Blood samples were collected from two hundred typhoid fever patients attending University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu. Haemoglobin concentration (Hb) packed cell volume (PCV) total/differential white blood cell count (wbc T&D) reticulocytes, platelet count, glucose, ascorbic acid, total and differential proteins were estimated.  Students “t” tests was used to compare the mean values.  There were significant reductions in PCV, Hb, Total wbc, lymphocytes, neutrophils, ascorbic acid, albumin and platelets (P < 0.05), in the typhoid fever patients). The blood film showed moderate toxic granules in neutrophils and rouleaux formation in the red blood cells. Conclusively, typhoid fever causes significant depression of erythropoeisis, myelopoesis and thrombopoesis. These changes may be a potent cause of pancytopoenia that may complicate management of typhoid fever and rouleaux formation and thrombocytopaenia can precipitate to disseminated intravascular coagulation.

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Emenuga V.N., Ureme S.O., Ohanu M.E, Ejezie F.E., Nnabuchi C.I. Some Haematological and Biochemical Profiles of Typhoid Fever in IGBOS of Nigeria. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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