Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Soft Skills and Teaching Competency of Teachers at the high school level.

R. Balakrishnan, Dr. G. Raju

Abstract :

The problem under the research was “Soft skills and Teaching competency of Teachers at the high school level”. Teaching is considered to be the noblest of all profession and in terms declared as prophetic profession. The research was conducted to explore the relationship between soft skills and teaching competency of the teachers. Soft skills are Personal skills comprising of personal attributes and inter personal abilities that drive one’s potential for sustained growth, enhances an individual’s social interactions, job performances and career prospects. The objectives of the study were: (i) To find out the level of soft skills acquired by the high school teachers.(ii) To find out the level of teaching competency among the high school teachers (iii) To find out the relationship between the acquired soft skills and teaching competency among the high school teachers. Quantitative approach was used in the study. Random sample was drawn from 160 teachers from different high schools. Data were collected through questionnaire. The study reveals that soft skills are positively related to teaching competency of teachers at high school level. The research suggests that quality Soft Skills training should be an integral part of all Pre–service and In–service Teacher Education Programme to strengthen and sustain the competency among the teachers in their teaching profession.

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R.BalaKrishnan, Dr.G.Raju Soft Skills and Teaching Competency of Teachers at the high school level. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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