Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

Soft Skill, Wellness, and The Academic Achievement of Secondary Grade Teacher Trainees

A. Grace Sophia, Dr. C. Ramesh

Abstract :

Soft skills are habits that have been cultivated over time more than they are innate traits. Soft skills play a vital role for professional success. They are otherwise called emotional intelligence skills. Wellness is a state of being well, healthy, and contented. Decision–making is a blend of thinking, deciding and acting. Teacher is a pivot in the society who shapes the students into well–integrated and harmonious persons. The present study focuses on soft skills and wellness, how effective they are on the academic achievement of secondary grade teacher trainees. Survey method has been used in this study. Well being scale developed by Jagsharanbir Singh Sandu and Asha Gupta and soft skill inventory prepared by A. Grace Sophia and Dr. C. Ramesh has been used for collecting the data. Mean, Standard deviation, t–test, Anova, Chi–square test, F test, and correlation have been used for the data analysis. The findings of this study reveals that there is significant difference between first and second year teacher trainees, significant difference between male and female teacher trainees and positive correlation between soft skills, wellness and academic achievement. Further, it revealed that there is significant difference between male and female teacher trainees and positive correlation between wellness and academic achievement. It is emphasized that the teachers have to promote soft skills and wellness in their institute for promoting high academic results.

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A. Grace Sophia, Dr. C. Ramesh Soft Skill, Wellness, and The Academic Achievement of Secondary Grade Teacher Trainees Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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