Volume : VI, Issue : VI, June - 2016

Socio demographic profile & correlates of substance abuse among IDU’s attending an OST centre in Allahabad

Dr. V. K. Singh, Dr. Pushkar Nigam, Dr. Abhishek Tiwari, Dr. Maha Prakash Sharma

Abstract :

 Title– Socio demographic profile & correlates of substance abuse among IDUs attending OST centre in Allahabad Background– Prevention and control of HIV among IDU, through OST should minimize the transmission of HIV into the general population. Aims– To study the socio–demographic profile of Inject able Drug Users (IDU) attending an Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) centre and their correlates and to explore the pattern of their substance use along with assessment of their high risk sexual behaviours. Method – A total of 195 IDU patients were assessed and information regarding their socio demographic profile, pattern of substance abuse, high risk sexual behaviour, knowledge about HIV transmission and prevention was obtained by structured interview. Result– Majority of clients were male, married, literate and employed. The most common injectable drug abused was buprenorphine. Majority of clients were taking drugs daily via intravenous route in groups. Majority of them had heard about HIV, its mode of transmission but not aware about ways to prevent HIV

Keywords :

IDU   OST   HIV   

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr.V.K.Singh, Dr.Pushkar Nigam, Dr.Abhishek Tiwari, Dr.Maha Prakash Sharma Socio demographic profile & correlates of substance abuse among IDU�s attending an OST centre in Allahabad Indian Journal of Applied Research,Vol.6, Issue : 6 JUNE 2016

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