Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Smart Materials in Dentistry

Dr. Sandhyarani Mohanty, Dr. Priyanka Sarangi

Abstract :

Most dental materials are designed to have a relatively ‘neutral’ existence in the mouth. It is considered that if they are ‘passive’ and do not react with the oral environment they will be more stable and have a greater durability. At the same time, it is hoped that our materials will be well accepted and will cause neither harm nor injury. This is an entirely negative approach to material tolerance and biocompatibility and hides the possibility that some positive gains can be achieved by using materials which behave in a more dynamic fashion in the environment in which they are placed. Some materials which are normally resistant to the healthy oral environment can undergo controlled degradation at low pH in order to release ions which may prove bene?cial or protective. So Smartness is a relative term.

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Dr.Sandhyarani Mohanty, Dr.Priyanka Sarangi Smart Materials in Dentistry Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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