Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2017


Thais Regina De Freitas, Leticia Simoes, Sandra Moreira Dutra, Marilza Henrique Amaral, Natalia Cristina De Oliveira, Sabrina Clares, Claudia Kumpel, Felipe Cortopassi, Elias Ferreira Porto

Abstract :

 Introduction: At present, more than 15 million Brazilians are 60 years old or above, and the increase in lifespan is related to the technological advances in health, that contributed to decrease mortality rates. Objective: To assess sleep quality and depression in long living elderly. Methods: This is a cross–sectional study where sleep quality and depression level in long–living elderly. Sleep quality was assessed through Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) and depression through Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in 103 individuals ageing more than 74,3 years old (females) or 73 years old (males) distributed into three groups according to sleep quality. Results: 20% of the sample presented sleep disturbance, it was observed that individuals who presented depression had OR 9.3 than the ones without depression. Risk for sleep disturbance was not statistically significant in the following conditions: women vs. men OR 1.3;, living alone vs. living with someone OR 1.8;, having history of NCCD (non–communicable chronic diseases) vs. no history of NCCD OR 1.6; being a widower vs. being married OR 1.5.  Less smoking history variables than three years packet, sleep before 22pm, waking up before 6 am, not be stressed were considered significant for longevity.  Conclusion: Depression is an important risk factor that predisposes the individual to a worse sleep quality, including worse sleep latency and shorter sleep duration. These alterations, in the long term, might expose the individual to insomnia, which is a predisposing factor to NCCD. It is worth noting the importance of more research aiming at the relationship between sleep disturbances and the onset of NCCD.

Keywords :

aged   sleep   depression  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Thais Regina de Freitas, Leticia Simoes, Sandra Moreira Dutra, Marilza Henrique Amaral, Natalia Cristina de Oliveira, Sabrina Clares, Claudia kumpel, Felipe Cortopassi, Elias Ferreira Porto, SLEEP QUALITY IN LONG–LIVING BRAZILIANS, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾4 | April-2017

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