Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Skill Gap Analyis and Training Effectivness of Employees

Dr. R. Hemanalini

Abstract :

The paper is a perception survey of skill identification of the employees’ performance in hospital industry. The research question addressed the extent at which the employee providing the feedback regarding the training and to identify the skill gap, so it lead to provide the efficient training to the employees to achieve the organizational objective. The place of study is hospital industry, the duration of study is between March, 2014 to April, 2014. The research was carried out with a sample size of 60 employees. This study falls under exploratory research and hence exploratory research design was followed. Data was collected based on structured questionnaire method using purposive Random Sampling. Likert five point scale was adapted to rate the determining factors that help to determine the training to enhance the employees , are to meet the learning objective, programs, material handling facilities, job effectiveness, growth and result, behavior and relationship, attitude towards training and overall training .

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Dr. R. Hemanalini Skill Gap Analyis and Training Effectivness of Employees Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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