Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016

Skill Development: An Uphill Task

Manpreet Kaur

Abstract :

 Skills and knowledge are key drivers of macro economic growth and socioeconomic stability. Many people around the world are faced with the problems of being unable to find viable employment or not being qualified for the employment that is available. To combat rising unemployment and poverty levels and an increasing lack of qualified workers, Indian governments is creating skill development programs which help build vocational skills in workers. Appropriate policies for the skill development occupy a dominant place in the development of economy. According to five year plan, India has set aggressive goals for faster and sustainable economic growth of nation. With the demographic dividend, India needs to impart adequate skills to its workforce. Skill development has emerged as national priority for which a number of measures have been taken and in process for future. In this context , present paper studies and analyses the present status of skill development and the challenges India faces while implementation of different initiatives and strategies.

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MANPREET KAUR Skill Development: An Uphill Task Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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