Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Skill Based Education System in Meeting Employers Needs

Mr. Harshvardhan Singh

Abstract :

Indians are deeply concerned about their present and future prospects in a time of economic uncertainty. Policy makers have a make–or–eak opening and an obligation – to chart a new path for ‘public – education’ that will secure our economic competitiveness. India has a great opportunity to meet the future demands of the world, India can become the worldwide sourcing hub for skilled workforce. Indian economy ruled by innovation and knowledge, in a world of tremendous opportunities and risks facing complex business, political, scientific, technological, health and environmental challenges. The ingenuity and skills of Indian people are crucial to Indian competitiveness. This paper provides an account of the main approaches, evidence in the education system, in meeting employer’s needs for skills. It highlights the role of education system in inculcating Generic Skills and Vocational Skills to meet employer’s needs. The importance of Generic and Specific skills, a global perspective of skills gaps and reasons of these skills gaps, and how Indian education System fulfils the demand of skill –oriented workforce globally and meet the challenges in this direction. This proper summarizes the Indian economy needs, workforce, and education system, generic and specific skills in education. Special emphasis on some of the emerging themes that reflect the principal areas of focus is being laid.

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Mr. Harshvardhan Singh Skill Based Education System in Meeting Employer’s Needs Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 12 December 2014

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