Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Sjogren‘s Syndrome

Dr. Chidanand G Chivate, Dr. Chidanand D Awalekar, Dr. Pratap K. Patil, Dr. Rahul A Surve, Dr. Rahul V Patil

Abstract :

A 55 year old female presented with typical history of dryness of mouth, poor lacrimation, dryness of nose and dysphagia. No obvious parotid enlargement or lymphadenopathy was present.ANA was borderline and RA test was positive. Her lip biopsy wasconclusive of Sjogren’s syndrome. Also her ophthalmic evaluation showed positiveSchirmer’stest.Considering the clinical features, positive Schirmer’s test and positive lip biopsy, the diagnosis of SS was established. Methyl cellulose 0.5% eye drops were given to the patient. She was encouraged to take liberal amount of water in between meals and during meals.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Dr. Chidanand G Chivate, Dr. Chidanand D Awalekar, Dr. Pratap K. Patil, Dr. Rahul A Surve, Dr. Rahul V Patil Sjogren¥s Syndrome Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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