Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

Single Phase Dual Full Bridge Bi–directional DC–DC Converter for High power applications

P. Divya Sri, Dr. P. Hari Krishna Prasad

Abstract :

This paper presents a bi–directional dc–dc converter for use in high powerapplications implementing dual operation of full idge dc–dc converter. The proposed topology has two single phase full idge converters on either side of the isolation transformer considering EDLC as energy storage device. Typical applications of this scheme are auxiliary power supply in fuel cell vehicles and battery charging/dis–charging systems providing high efficiency, high power density and galvanic isolation. The overall efficiency from dc input to dc output terminals is accurately measured and loss analysis is carried out to estimate effectiveness of power switching devices. Moreover, the dc–dc converter can charge the capacitor bank from zero to rated voltage without any external pre–charging circuit.

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P. Divya Sri, Dr. P. Hari Krishna Prasad Single Phase Dual Full Bridge Bi-directional DC-DC Converter for High power applications Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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