Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

Simultaneous Bilateral Inguinal Hernia Meshplasty under Local Anaesthesia as Day Surgery

Bhavinder Arora

Abstract :

 T Simultaneous bilateral inguinal hernia repair using meshplasty has not been detailed out in literature. The patients suffering from uncomplicated bilateral inguinal hernias were included in this study. In this prospective study, 32 patients were operated for bilateral inguinal hernias. Both the inguinal hernias were operated under local anaesthesia by separate inguinal incisions as single stage procedure. Meshplasty was done by anterior approach. The mesh was anchored by three stitch technique using polypropylene suture. Local anaesthesia used was 1% Lignocaine. Patient had very less pain in post operative period. These patients returned to normal pain free activity on 14th to 21st days. Complications were noted in early and late post operative period. This study concludes that simultaneous meshplasty of bilateral inguinal hernias under local anaesthesia is feasible as day surgery procedure with minimum complications.

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Bhavinder Arora Simultaneous Bilateral Inguinal Hernia Meshplasty Under Local Anaesthesia as Day Surgery Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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