Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

Simulation Possibilities Concerned to Thermocouple Response Related to Flowing Media Temperature Step Change with the Use of CFD Method

Ludovit Medvecky, Jan Labaj, Peter Schutz, Dusan Repcik

Abstract :

The paper deals with possibilities of verification, which is concerned to effect of protective cover and thermocouple body related to response speed with the use of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Method. However, the paper contains a description concerned to step rise of temperature within thermocouple measuring area depending on gas temperature step change, while that is flowing off the thermocouple as well. A selection of an appropriate turbulence model together with an adequate bordering layer enables applying calculations in order to simulate different arrangement and number of holes within thermocouple protective pipe.

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Ludovit Medvecky, Jan Labaj, Peter Schutz, Dusan Repcik Simulation Possibilities Concerned to Thermocouple Response Related to Flowing Media Temperature Step Change with the Use of CFD Method Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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