Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018


Dr Devdatta J Gohel, Dr. Atul Kamath M, Dr. Dhananjay A Bhosale, Dr. Binita N Gadhavi

Abstract :

Background and objectives–to ensure integrity of cataract surgery wounds

Methods– A randomized prospective study was done consisiting of 25 patients who underwent cataract surgery at our hospital during six month period after approval by ethical committee. The data obtained were tabulated, analysed, assessed and formulated.

Results– On evaluating our 25 patients we found that 10 patients(40%) had post op wound leak mainly due to surgical complications like premature entry comprising 50% followed by mature cataract with posterior capsular rent and small pupil comprising of  20% each and floppy iris syndrome comprising of 10%.

Conclusions– The simple procedure is very handy in peripheral areas where the getting total asepsis is difficult. Identifying THE LEAK is of prime importance which can reduce further complications.

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Dr Devdatta J Gohel, Dr. Atul Kamath M, Dr. Dhananjay A Bhosale, Dr. Binita N Gadhavi, SIEP‘S TEST– TO ENSURE INTEGRITY OF CATARACT SURGERY WOUNDS, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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