Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2016

Siderosis bulbi of eye due to undetected intraocular foreign body.

Dr Arundhati Pande

Abstract :

The Siderosis bulbi of eye is caused due to presence of intraocular iron foreign body. A male, 26 years, came with chief complains of painless gradual diminishing vision in Right eye (RE) and night blindness for past 6 month. He had a history of trauma by metallic rod 1 year back. Corneal foreign body was removed under topical anesthesia. His vision started deteriorating after 6 month of trauma. RE findings: leucomatous corneal opacity at 7O clock in midpheriphery. Rusty pigment dispersion on endothelium was present. Pupil was semi dilated. Pupil reactions were sluggish. Rosette cataract with own pigment on the lens was present. No foreign body was present in the eyeball.RE Phacoemulsifications with foldable intraocular lens done. Postoperative RE vision was 6/6 with refraction –0.75 x 80 ?.

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Dr Arundhati Pande Siderosis bulbi of eye due to undetected intraocular foreign body Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 1 January 2016

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