Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Shareholders� Value Creation in IT Sector in India – A Comparative Study Between TCS & Infosys

Dr. J. Murthy

Abstract :

Equity shareholders are the one who sink and swim with the company. They always get the residual after meeting all expenses and other requirements. Thats why; they are the real owners of the business. Hence, it is very necessary that the firm should try its best to maximize the wealth of the shareholder particularly equity shareholder. Therefore, the present article attempts to analyze the profitability performance of TCS and INFOSYS with regard to Shareholders’ wealth maximization. Du Pont Analysis has been applied to study the performance of ROE. The basic objective of selecting these two companies is to understand and apply the concept of SWM in these companies with different factsheets. The study found that TCS has provided consistent return to the equity shareholders on their investment over Infosys.

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Dr. J. Murthy / Shareholders� Value Creation in IT Sector in India- A Comparative Study Between TCS & Infosys / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.11 November 2013

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