Volume : IV, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Shades of Customer Satisfaction in Competitive Era

Vishal Saxena

Abstract :

Last few decades have witnessed a shift in business strategies all over the world. Liberalization of Indian Economy and entry of multinational enterprises into Indian market have given a great opportunity to customers to select one out of several similar products available in the market. In this competitive market era, market has become highly competitive and customer oriented. Therefore it is necessary for a producer to understand customer satisfaction. It is not an easy task to understand customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is the local point of the growth of the business unit. A business involves application of a large capital. Hence the failure of a business is a risky proposition. It becomes necessary to design and distribute the goods and services as per customer expectation. This paper tries to highlight the impact, issues and challenges in a modern day business in light of Consumerism.

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Vishal Saxena Shades of Customer Satisfaction in Competitive Era Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 12 December 2014

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