Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Sexual Dysfunction in Cannabis dependence : A hospital based study

Niranjan Hebbar Y. R, Udayan Majumder

Abstract :

 Background – Cannabis has been a part of the recreational and religious ceremonies for years, in India. Although we find many conflicting and controversial studies in this area, we lack studies done on Indian setup to know the detrimental or beneficial effects of this drug on sexual functions.

Aim of the study – To assess the sexual dysfunctions in cannabis dependant individuals at Imphal, Manipur.

Materials and methods – 35 cannabis dependant individuals (ICD–10, F13.25 cannabinoids dependence with continuous use criteria) were assessed for sexual dysfunction using international index for erectile dysfunction–15, on outpatient basis at RIMS, Psychiatry department.

ResultsErectile dysfunction was the highest reported sexual dysfunction and was common in the age group of 31 years and above. Similarly orgasmic dysfunction noted higher in age group >30 years. Sexual desire and overall satisfaction in sexuality as well as satisfaction in intercourse was reduced in the older age group.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Niranjan Hebbar Y.R, Udayan Majumder, Sexual Dysfunction in Cannabis dependence : A hospital based study, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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