Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2014

Sexual Dimorphism of Clivus Dimension by Computed Tomography Scan

Dr. Massarat Jehan, Dr. Rajesh Kumar

Abstract :

Introduction: The clivus is a bone region formed by the fusion of basi–sphenoid and basi–occiput situated between dorsum sella and foramen magnum, evaluated very clearly in routine CT scan due to its central location. Being a denser part of bony skull it can be recovered intact from scene of crime and therefore need to be researched as an alternate area for sex estimation. Material and Method: CT images of 276 subjects of MP region, in the age group of 13–70 years (140 male,136 female) were chosen. The Clivus length and width were measured using electronic caliper on DICOM viewing software. Result: The mean clivus length and width of male was 4.598 ± 0.3024cm and 2.981 ± 0.3826cm respectively which were significantly (p<0.0001) larger than those of female with 4.391 ± 0.2475cm and 2.647 ± 0.2388cm respectively. Using Analysis of variance 78.57% of male and 76.47% of female clivus length; and 74.29% of male and 79.41% of female clivus width were sexed correctly. The overall accuracy of correct diagnosis was 76.43% in male and 77.94% in females. Conclusion: CT measurement of the clivus dimensions can be used to differentiate male from female skull to some extent as an additional or only parameter when other parameters or measures were inconclusive in medico–legal cases.

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Dr.Massarat Jehan, Dr.Rajesh Kumar Sexual Dimorphism of Clivus Dimension by Computed Tomography Scan Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.9 September 2014

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