Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015

Service Quality GAP between Expectation and Perception of the Customers of Health Insurance Company (Special Reference to National Insurance Company Ltd., in Madurai City)

M. R. Karthikeyan, Dr. D. Ramkumar

Abstract :

 Health Insurance Services in India has become highly competitive after opening up of the sector to private insurance companies. Health insurance business in India comprises of government, private life,nonlife insurance companies and stand alone health insurance companies. Hence for the success & survival of health insurance business each company needs to evaluate it business regularly. One of the important quality measuring tools is service quality dimension measurements.For the prime success and survival of the insurance companies they need to deliver quality service. Hence service quality has become a prime factor in differentiating every company from its competitors. The present study aims at measuring expectations & perceptions towards service quality of Health Insurance business of National Insurance Company Ltd., in Madurai City of Tamilnadu State.

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M.R.Karthikeyan, Dr.D.Ramkumar / Service Quality GAP between Expectation and Perception of the Customers of Health Insurance Company (Special Reference to National Insurance Company Ltd., in Madurai City) / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 11 November 2015

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