Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Sentiment Analysis for Hindi Text using Fuzzy Logic

Shweta Rana

Abstract :

With the Web, especially with the explosive growth of the user generated content on the Web, the world has changed. One can post reviews of products at merchant sites and express views on almost anything in Internet forums, discussion groups, and blogs, which are collectively called the user generated content. Now if one wants to buy a product, it is no longer necessary to ask one’s friends and families because there are plentiful of product reviews on the Web which give the opinions of the existing users of the product. .Finding opinion sources and monitoring them on the Web, however, can still be a formidable task because a large number of diverse sources exist on the Web and each source also contains a huge volume of information. In many cases, opinions are hidden in long forum posts and blogs. It is very difficult for a human reader to find relevant sources, extract pertinent sentences, read them, summarize them and organize them into usable forms. An automated opinion mining and summarization system is thus needed. Opinion mining, also known as sentiment analysis, grows out of this need. Many approaches have been developed for sentiment mining for English , Chinese and Arabic texts. Here in my work I have proposed a method for sentiment mining for hindi text.

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Shweta Rana Sentiment Analysis for Hindi Text using Fuzzy Logic Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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