Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Self Revolution

Mohanapriya. P

Abstract :

The revolution doesn’t come from any unknown factors. It starts from the social problems and discriminations which we face outside, the most important factor lies in the minds of inner thought. Every person has their own suffering and deed before coming in the society or involving themselves in the social problem as a social worker. We are going to discuss the following questions regarding the self–revolution ?What is self? ?How does man differs from woman? ?Why always women are considered as suffers? ?Why women are sadist in most of men’s view? ?Is woman a villain for another woman? ?Is all men good? By analyzing these questions we could give a better view about man, woman and society in this essay

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Mohanapriya.P Self Revolution Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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