Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016


Prof Tanveer Asif Zerdi, Mohammad Tayyab Ali, Mohammed Shahid Ali Aejaz, Mudassar Jamal

Abstract :

 In urban areas, increase in population and scarcity of land, the horizontal development gets restricted that’s why most of the owners, building contractors, engineers are adopting vertical development of buildings for the construction. Natural hazard like earthquake affects the stability of such structures. Therefore, it is need of time to analyses & designs such hazard resisting structures so as to save human life and avoid property damage. The behavior of a building during earthquakes depends critically on its overall shape, size and geometry. In this Study, a multi– storey reinforced concrete build¬ing has been modelled and performed by using software ETABS program with different plan shapes regular (Rect¬angular shaped ) and irregular ( T –shaped ) and plane dimension (16X15) m with 15 storeys resting on plan ground. The models have been conducted and analyzed by using equivalent linear static method and response spec¬trum method for compå and investigating the changes in structural behavior and the irregularity effect in plan.

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Prof Tanveer Asif Zerdi, Mohammad Tayyab Ali, Mohammed Shahid Ali Aejaz, Mudassar Jamal SEISMIC ANALYSIS OF MULTI–STOREYED BUILDING (G+15) WITH REGULAR AND IRREGULAR FRAME STRUCTURE Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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