Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Secular Attitude: a Study of Madarsa Students

Md. Musa Ali, Dr. Kaushal Kishore

Abstract :

Cultural heterogeneity is a unique characteristic of Indian society. The harmonious coexistence of the humanity on the land of India is well known from its own history. In this harmony many religions have been flourishing here since long back, which have their own traditions and beliefs. But, unfortunately the phenomenon of communalism began with the establishment of British rule in India, which causes a lot of damage of property and life. Scholars and thinkers has realised that the peaceful survival of all the societies is possible only in a secular world, which can only be developed by the education, in which students have a vital role, because they are the future of any nation. To educate their children, Madarsas have been established by the Muslims but since September 11, 2001, Madrasas have become the focus of international attention due to their alleged links with international militancy. It is alleged that religious schools (like Madrasas) promote extreme values and attitude and hence, increase friction and intolerance in the society To examine the allegations in an academic way, the present study aims to investigate into the extent to which the madarsa students studying in different madarsas exhibit secular attitude and if these attitude vary due to the factors such as Sex, Class, Category and Types of madarsa. ‘Secular Attitude Scale’ developed by Mehra and Sinha (1992) has been administered on 100 madarsa students selected from Bilaspur and Raipur city of Chhattisgarh. The study shows that all selected madarsa students possess secular attitude.

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Md. Musa Ali,Dr. Kaushal Kishore Secular Attitude: a Study of Madarsa Students Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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