Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Second Generation Platelet Concentrate “Platelet Rich Fibrin” in Periodontal Surgery

Dr Joseph Philip, Dr A K Biswas

Abstract :

 The aim after periodontal regenerative surgery is to achieve complete wound healing and regeneration of the periodontal unit. Autologous platelet concentrate preparations are rich source of platelet–derived growth factor (PDGF) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF–β), both important in accelerating hard and soft tissue maturation and regeneration. The topical use of platelet concentrates is recent, and its efficacy remains controversial, and discovering which one of the platelet concentrates will help, is a clinician’s dilemma. Here, we present a case reports of chronic periodontitis with bilateral intrabony defects (IBD), treated by means of autologous PRF. The clinical and radiological picture before intervention and following wound healing was assessed after six months post–op. There was a gain in the clinical attachment level and a decrease in probing depths. Radiographic evidences also showed that there was adequate bony fill. This case showed that the PRF preparations can be a excellent alternative with a few added advantages such as ease of preparation/ application, minimal expense, sustained slow release of growth factors over a week, and lack of biochemical modifications (no bovine thrombin or anticoagulant is required).

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Dr Joseph Philip, Dr A K Biswas Second Generation Platelet Concentrate Platelet Rich Fibrin in Periodontal Surgery Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 3 March 2016

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