Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015

Seasonal variations in the blood serum levels of sodium and potassium in crossbred dairy cattle under different housing systems of Tamil Nadu

Dr. Suraj, P. T, Dr. T. Sivakumar, Dr. Sesh, P. S. L

Abstract :

 Biochemical tests are useful in determining the blood components. Variations in the results of these tests from optimum levels give information with regard to the corrective measures in nutrition and management. A study was undertaken at the four agro–climatic regions of Tamil Nadu with the objective to assess the changes in sodium and potassium levels in blood serum of crossed cattle during the four seasons kept under five housing systems. Based on preliminary survey animals from five housing systems with thatch, tile, cement sheet, metal sheets and open housing systems were selected for assessing the sodium and potassium status. A total of 120 samples (five housing types with six replicates from each agro–climatic region) were collected for each season with a grand total of 480 samples during the whole experimental period. There was no significant difference (p<0.05) in the mean concentration of either of the electrolytes between different housing systems in any of the seasons in the agro–climatic zones under study. The lowest serum concentration of sodium (mEq/l) during South West monsoon was recorded under open housing of Western zone (112.65±8.28). However, during North East monsoon, cold and summer season lowest level was recorded in animals kept in open system in North Eastern zone (122.15±6.35, 123.36±6.40 and 113.78±5.90). The lowest serum concentration of potassium (mEq/l) during South West monsoon was recorded under metal sheet roofed housing of North Western zone (4.33±0.40). However, during North East monsoon, cold and summer seasons it was recorded in animals kept under tile housing in Hilly zone (4.13±0.38, 3.86±0.35 and 4.39±0.40). The results of the blood serum levels of sodium and potassium showed that many of the crossed cattle were having sodium levels lower than the recommended range, especially the animals kept in the open system. Sodium supplementation is essential in such animals for improving the health and production.

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Dr. Suraj,P.T, Dr.T.Sivakumar, Dr.Sesh, P.S.L / Seasonal variations in the blood serum levels of sodium and potassium in crossbred dairy cattle under different housing systems of Tamil Nadu / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 11 November 2015

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