Volume : V, Issue : III, March - 2015

Seasonal variation in the protein content of muscle of Gobius biocellatus from Kayadhu river near Hingoli (M.S).

Jaiswal N. R.

Abstract :

Gobius biocellatus is a teleost fish, one of the species of the genus gobius and it is distributed in fresh waters throughout the plains of India (Day, F. 1878). This study evaluated seasonal and monthly changes in protein content of muscle tissue and was studied over a period of twelve months from January 2003– December 2003. There is no definite pattern of seasonal variation in the protein content in male and female G. biocellatus. There is no marked trend of increase or decrease in protein content in relation to the seasons due to the eeding habit throughout the year of the fish. The present study is the first to describe the seasonal variation in the protein content of muscle of G. biocellatus from Kayadhu river near Hingoli.

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Jaiswal N.R. Seasonal variation in the protein content of muscle of Gobius biocellatus from Kayadhu river near Hingoli (M.S). Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 3 March 2015

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