Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2014

Seasonal Morphological Changes IN ROTIFERS

Dr. B. Sai Ram Pattnaik

Abstract :

The Morphological changes those occur in certain species of inverteates in accordance to environmental condition are called Cyclomorphosis. The phenomenon has been noted in the dinoflagellates, rotifers, cladocerans and much strikingly in the copepods. The degree to which the Cyclomorphosis is developed within different populations of the same species is variable. Although the seasonal incidence of the change is clearly determined by environmental factors, there may also be certain other inherited diversity in different species to react to these factors. The seasonal changes of form in certain Rotifers is so striking that the summer and winter forms of the same species would certainly be supposed to represent different species by an observer, unacquainted with the facts. Although there is no significant change in the physiological processes in these planktons but great change in the morphology as well as existence of polymorphism is observed, rather for some extent it is true that the cyclomorphic changes do have some adaptive significance too. It involves the alternation of different morphological units in a species in accordance to the climatic as well as environmental changes. The total body size may increase, decrease or remain the same throughout the cycle, depending on the species. The change that occurs in the shape of Lorica, size and number of outer ornamentation like spines and the shape of mastax in accordance to body shape is remarkable. The polymorphic forms and the morphological changes in accordance to the environment in case of some of the Brachionus rotifers especially during their greatest period of diversity for a ief period is investigated in the present work.

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Dr. B. SAI RAM PATTNAIK Seasonal Morphological Changes IN ROTIFERS Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. I

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