Volume : III, Issue : III, March - 2013

Searching Space: Women in The Customary Laws and Practices of the Tribal Societies in North East India

M Parwez

Abstract :

The denigration of women and under–estimation of their capacities still continue where as the equality of women is integral to the founding of a just society. The present study is an attempt to study status of women of Dimasa, Karbi , Ao Naga and Chakma tribal societies of North East India particularly in view of prevailing customary laws and practices. These tribes are protected from any legislative and judicial intervention in their customary laws as per the sixth schedule of the constitution During the colonial period these areas were designated as “Excluded Areas” and “Partially Excluded Area”. It further gave power to the Governor to make regulations for peace and governance of the area. The committee advocated and got support from Ambedkar, to safeguard the tribal land to protect their socio–economic life; resulted in framing of the sixth schedule to the constitution. It vested powers in the District or regional councils of tribal areas of the state Assam to regulate, “the practice of jhum, appointment or succession of chiefs and Headmen, inheritance, marriage and divorce and the social customs etc. of the tribal people, so as to allow these people to develop themselves according to their own genius”. The councils were constituted in areas called “Autonomous District Council. The paper deals with the marginalized position of women in the societies.

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M Parwez Searching Space: Women in The Customary Laws and Practices of the Tribal Societies in North East India Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.III March 2013

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