Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

Screening of NADPH cytochrome p450 reductase and alkaline protease activities in germinating Cajanus cajan L. seedlings in the presence of herbicides and protein synthesis inhibitors

Shankar Mular, Rajyalakshmi Amancherla, Zia H Khan

Abstract :

The detoxifying enzyme NADPH–Cytochrome p450 reductase (Cyt p 450) which plays a key role in metabolism of xenobiotics in plants assumes great significance during seed germination particularly when the germinating seedlings are exposed to chemicals such as protein synthesis inhibitors and herbicides. Our study is an attempt to get insights into how the Cyt p 450 is varying with protein reserve mobilization when Cajanus cajan seedlings are exposed to cycloheximide, diclofop and sulfonyl  urea. The alkaline protease and Cyt p 450 activities were determined in the germinating seedlings of two varieties of Cajanus cajan namely ICP 7203–1 and Yashoda for a period of 8 days post germination. The results showed that the Cyt p 450  activities were gradually rising during the seedling growth and assumed a peak on the 6th day. The physical injury and the chemical challenge to the germinating seedlings resulted in a 3–4 fold increase in Cyt p 450 activity. The sulfonyl urea has elicited more Cyt p450 activity than diclofop whereas the cycloheximide exposure has resulted in the lowest activity of the NADPH Cytochrome p450 reductase in the seedlings.

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Shankar Mular, Rajyalakshmi Amancherla, Zia H Khan, Screening of NADPH cytochrome p450 reductase and alkaline protease activities in germinating Cajanus cajan L. seedlings in the presence of herbicides and protein synthesis inhibitors Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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References :

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