Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2017

Scope of Research in Standardization of Panchakarma Procedures – a Critical Review

Devi . R. Nair

Abstract :

 Background: Panchakarma procedures form the back bone of samsodhana therapy (purification) in Ayurveda. The strange fact Panchakarma now addressing is, the same procedure is giving different efficacy rate in different regions, in patients with the same base–line parameters. To ensure complete safety with uniform and maximum efficacy, standardization of these procedures became an emergency need. Aim: The present article aims at exploring the scope of research in standardization of panchakarma procedures and to upgrade and ensure standardized panchakarma practice every where thereby ensuring maximum possible safety and uniform efficacy.

Review results:

Standardization methodology has to be implemented in an emergency basis to ensure complete safety and maximum efficacy.

Discussion :

Standardization methodology should be formulated by absorbing the concept of panchakarma on scientific lines and should be systematic, practical and cost–effective.


The present article summarizes the concept behind Panchakarma procedures, standardization methodology and scope of research in it.

Keywords :

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Devi .R. Nair, Scope of Research in Standardization of Panchakarma Procedures‾a Critical Review, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2017

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