Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016


Narayanaswamy. T, Anandakumar B. M

Abstract :

 Irrigation is critical for successful summer vegetable production and it should be efficient and effective to avoid over or under application. The water use efficiency under conventional flood method of irrigation, which is predominantly practised in Indian agriculture, is very low due to substantial conveyance and distribution losses. Recognizing the fast decline of irrigation water potential and increasing demand for water from different sectors, a number of demand management strategies and programmes have been introduced to save water and increase the existing water use efficiency in Indian agriculture. One such method introduced relatively recently in Indian agriculture is Micro–Irrigation(MI), which includes drip method of irrigation. Micro–irrigation is proved to be an efficient method in saving water and increasing water use efficiency as compared to the conventional surface method of irrigation, where water use efficiency is only about 35–40 percent. Many factors influence appropriate drip irrigation management, including system design, soil characteristics, crop and growth stage, environmental conditions, etc. The influences of these factors can be integrated into a practical, efficient scheduling system which determines quantity and timing of drip irrigation. It provides the ideal vehicle to deliver nutrients in a timely and efficient manner and also achieving high water– and nutrient–use efficiency while maximizing crop productivity requires intensive management for commercial vegetable production.

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Narayanaswamy.T, Anandakumar B.M SCOPE OF DRIP IRRIGATION FOR VEGETABLE PRODUCTION IN INDIA Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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