Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Satisfaction with spatial arrangement and employees productivity

Dr. Gurkirpal Singh

Abstract :

Workplace design may promote organizational success by creating environments that support work quantity, quality, and style, while improving turnover and absentee rates. Spatial arrangement can increase impromptu interactions and productivity of employees. In reference to India this is a new area of research. In India, office environment and related processes are considerably sidelined. Aim of this research is to study the relationship of satisfaction with spatial arrangement with employees productivity. A total of 660 employees from various offices of Chandigarh were recruited as sample. The age range of the sample was between 25 to 60 years. The questionnaire used was an adapted and modified version of already existing scales of occupants’ satisfaction with indoor environment quality (IEQ) components of other buildings by different researchers. Results indicate that employees productivity is positively correlated with satisfaction with spatial arrangement. In order to achieve good working environment that lead to high productivity, office layout (furniture and its arrangement in accordance with the given space) plays an important role in motivating good communication and getting the well distributed and healthy environmental system.

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DR.GURKIRPAL SINGH, Satisfaction with spatial arrangement and employees productivity, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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