Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Rural Development Through Selp Help Groups (Shgs): An Overview

Bikash Dutta

Abstract :

 In India more than 70% of people live in rural area. Most of the rural people of India have been facing 

problems relating to their livelihood as compared to their urban counterpart as there is less development in the rural areas in all respects. So without the development of rural India, the real development of India cannot 
be possible. Since independence, government of India has implemented a number of programmes in the state and 
national level, a few of which succeeds partially and others failed miserably. Self–Help Groups (SHGs) is one such programme initiated in collaborative effort of government and non–government organizations ( NGOs) in the year 1992, 
aiming at evolving supplementary credit system with the financial resources of the formal poor by combining flexibility, 
sensibility and responsiveness of informal credit system with the financial resources of the formal credit institutions. 
Formation of Self–Help Groups is viewed as poverty alleviation mechanism and also an effective tool for rural development. The Self–Help Groups have contributed a lot in the development of socio–economic status of the rural people. 
In this way these groups have also been helping the rural economy of India. Self–Help Groups have also been helping 
in women empowerment as well as work participation of women in the rural economy. So the main objective of this 
paper is to examine the role of Self–Help Groups in the rural development of India. The paper is developed based on 
the secondary data collected from governmental records, research publication and the published materials of financial 
institutions like NABARD.

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BIKASH DUTTA Rural Development Through Selp Help Groups (Shgs): An Overview Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 4 April 2015

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