Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2013

Rural Development Schemes and their Contribution Towards the Human Resource Development

Dr. S. Rajamohan, T. Dhanabalan

Abstract :

The overriding objective of a country’s policy and planning is to raise the standard of living and enhance the productive capabilities of its people. With over a billion people, this challenge is particularly daunting for a developing country like India. Because, a nations development is depends on its Human Resources. If a country’s population is healthy in all aspects definitely that country would become a developed country that is why all the countries giving prime importance for their human resources development. In the world arena, India is the second biggest country in population size and at the same time it has more young population than the other countries. It means that availability of younger workforce is more than (52 percent) than the other countries. It is being as a positive signal to the nation’s development. India is also facing the problems of poverty, illiteracy, sanitation, unemployment and the like. Hence, the development of human resource is prime duty of any country. For the development of Human Resource Government of India has been implemented many rural development programmes accompanied with Ministry of Rural Development. Such programmes are Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guaranteed Programme, Indira Awas Yozana, Swarna Jaynthi Swarozhar Yozana, Rural Education, Sanitation and the like. After the implementation of these programmes there are positive outcomes in the nation’s human resource as well as economic development. With this backdrop the present paper has been made an attempt to explain the contribution made by the rural development schemes towards the human resource development.

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Dr. S. Rajamohan,T. Dhanabalan Rural Development Schemes and their Contribution Towards the Human Resource Development Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2013

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