Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2014

Root coverage using palatal connective tissue graft: pouch and tunnel technique

Dr Jyotsana Khurana, Dr Amita Mali, Dr Yogesh Khadtare, Dr Amit Chaudhari, Dr Aashwiin Miglani

Abstract :

Cosmetic procedures have become an integral part of periodontal treatment. One of the commonly used esthetic periodontal procedures is coverage of denuded roots. The recession of gingiva is increasingly becoming a more prominent condition in the oral health of many patients and should be treated at its earliest detection. The multi–factorial etiology, decision modality, and current trends followed in treatment of gingival recession are discussed in this presentation. This case report focuses on soft tissue root coverage in class I and class II gingival recession using the pouch surgical procedure. The pouch technique is a minimally invasive periodontal plastic surgical procedure that uses subepithelial connective tissue as a free graft in a pouch beneath the gingival margin, created by sulcular incisions around the involved teeth. In this case report, an alternative technique in treating gingival recessionthe pouch and tunnel connective tissue graft is presented.

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Dr Jyotsana Khurana, Dr Amita Mali, Dr Yogesh Khadtare, Dr Amit chaudhari, Dr Aashwiin Miglani Root coverage using palatal connective tissue graft: pouch and tunnel technique Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 10 October 2014

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