Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2014

Role, Scope, and Challenges of Hr in Retail Sector

Prof. Dr. Jyoti H. Lahoti

Abstract :

The retail formats in India have evolved vastly over a relatively short period of seven to eight years. Another credible factor in the prospects of the retail sector in India is the increase in the young working population. These key factors have been the growth drivers of the organized retail sector in India. But the entry of global players in retailing business has created huge challenges to the Indian companies. Retailers today are focused on drawing customers into the stores to drive sales while at the same time reducing cost overheads. On the other hand, this poses huge challenges with respect to dealing with the short supply of qualified, future–ready talent, sustaining high performance and retaining key talent. Beyond the impact of globalization and mergers and acquisitions, retail organizations continue to struggle with the recruitment of service–oriented employees. Therefore, the key question for the retail organization in India is how they can sustain high performance whilst battling both economic challenges as well as talent shortages. The organized retailers in order to respond to the competition, started to realize the need for efficient man power. The HR practices and the employee satisfaction became the primary concern for the organized retailers. The present study will provide a clear picture on the issues related to the HR practices and its impact on employees. The study will also focus on the various problems and challenges faced by the HR department in procuring and retaining the employees of organized retailing companies.

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Prof.Dr.Jyoti H.Lahoti Role, Scope, and Challenges of Hr in Retail Sector Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue.8 August 2014

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