Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2015

Role Play in MBBS teaching curriculum on ethical issues An experience

Lal Bahadur Palo, Neelima Singh Chauhan, T Parvathi

Abstract :

 Introduction: The existing teaching system focuses mainly on the knowledge of the students while neglecting their psychomotor and communication skills.The new medical curriculum lays emphasis on teaching?learning methods, which are student–centric and interactive. Methods: A cross–sectional study was conducted by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, among VII semester MBBS students. In order to sensitize the students towards social and ethical issues, Role Play was done. A pre–designed and semi structured feedback was obtained from the students regarding their experience. Results: Majority of the students found the sessions very interactive and friendly. In the feedback, most of the students (97.9%) mentioned that the Role Play was interesting. 89.5% students were of the opinion that the objectives for each session were achieved. According to 87.2% students there was proper utilization of audio–visual aids, 91.8% said that time management was appropriate and 91.9% opined that the quality of the content was up to the mark. Conclusion: Role Plays have an important role in educating present and future doctors and should be more widely incorporated in medical schools especially in developing countries.

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Lal Bahadur Palo, Neelima Singh Chauhan, T Parvathi / Role Play in MBBS teaching curriculum on ethical issues An experience / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 11 November 2016

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