Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2015

Role of Visha in Chikitsa–A reminder

Dr. Supreeta. L. D, Dr. Ajith Kamath. M , Dr. Mahesh . Savalagimath, Dr. Arun. Gupta

Abstract :

Visha are the substances which when administered prove fatal either sooner or later. This fatality is due to the qualities of visha that are exactly opposite to the nature of oja which is the vital component of life and causes destruction of life.Though they are previewed as visha, the same qualities can be utilized in the treatment after proper shodhana, which alters basic toxic properties like vyavaayi, vikasi, sookshma and yogavahi. Thus many visha are used in the formulations in order to increase the potency, bioavailability, therapeutic values. Hence Ayurveda highlights that when visha is utilized in a proper way can become the best medicine. Though basically they are visha, when properly administered along with pathyas they act as vishaghna, rasayana in many conditions.The present paper discusses about utility of visha in the making of formulations which are indicated in the untreated, chronic, auto immune diseases and also in acute management.

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Role of Visha in Chikitsa- A reminder Role of Visha in Chikitsa- A reminder Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 1 January 2015

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