Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016

Role Of Transabdominal and Transvaginal Ultrasonography In Early Pregnancy Complications

Aruna Ramchandra Pawar, Dr. Suhas Dadarao Alone

Abstract :

 Bleeding per vagina is the commonest presentation in early (first trimester) pregnancy(1). Clinical assessment most of the time difficult hence ultrasonography is necessary to determine for the present of emyo and its viability and also to exclude the other cause of bleeding. Now a days with improved ultrasonography technology and high resolution endovaginal or transvaginal utltrasonography early diagnosis is possible which in turn helps the obstretician in terms of management and relief for the patients. Nearly all instances of first trimester bleeding can be adequately evaluated by ultrasonosgraphy. Causes of first trimester bleeding in pregnancy are threatened abortion, missed abortion ,incomplete abortion, subchorionic bleeding , ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy and scar pregnancy. The main objective of our study was to evaluate the pregnant patients presented with history of bleeding per vagina in early pregnancy upto 12wks pregnancy i.e first trimester of pregnancy using high resolution tranvaginal and transabdominal ultrasonography and to evaluate the cause of bleeding either threatened abortion, missed abortion ,incomplete abortion, subchorionic bleeding , ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy, scar pregnancy, trophoblastic disease,implantation bleeding/physiological. O ther non–obstretric causes include uterine ,vaginal or cervical pathology ie infection.. This is a prospective study of 100 pregnant patients. In our study only primi and second gravid patients were under consideration. Second gravid patients with history of previous ceasarean section having bleeding in early pregnancy were also considered under the study. All were referred to us for ultrasonography examination. The patients included in the study were in the age group of 18 years to 45 years. All pregnant patients carrying pregnancy upto 12wks were under consideration. Out of 100 pateints 75 (75 %) were primi and rest 25 patients were second gravida (25% ) . Among the 25 second gravid 18 patients had previous cersarian section. The sonographic findings in few cases i.e having ultrasound diagnosis of ectopic/scar/heterotrophic pregnancy were confirmed with surgical findings.

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Aruna Ramchandra Pawar, Dr. Suhas Dadarao Alone Role Of Transabdominal and Transvaginal Ultrasonography In Early Pregnancy Complications Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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