Volume : IX, Issue : IX, September - 2019

Role of superoxide solutions in diabetic foot

Dr. Nancy Sandhu, Dr. Aashish Arya, Dr. Mohit Sharma, Dr. Jatin Ghai, Dr. Dushyant Kumar Garg

Abstract :

Background Diabetes mellitus is one such metabolic disorder that impedes the normal steps of the wound healing process. Diabetic foot ulcer is challenging problem to every clinician in day to day practice. These wounds have been managed by local dressings with various agents like providone iodine, EUSOL, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, local antibiotics ointments or powders etc since long time. Use super oxidized solution is new concept in wound management. Material and method The present study was carried out in the Department of Surgery, Adesh Medical College Bathinda, and India. 50 Patients in age group of 6 to 65 yrs with different types of wounds were included in this study. Criteria for inclusion in the study consisted of any wounds in patients irrespective of its aetiology, anatomic site, and size. However, exclusion criteria were age more than 65 yrs or less than 6 yrs of age, patients with haemoglobin less than 8 gm/dl, having signs of septicaemia and immunodeficiency disorders. Results All 50 cases were infected at the time of presentation to our department. After few days use of super oxidized solution all wound become sterile and granulation tissue appears. Definite procedure were done once wound become sterile with healthy granulations after the use of super oxidized solution

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ROLE OF SUPEROXIDE SOLUTIONS IN DIABETIC FOOT, Dr. Nancy Sandhu, Dr. Aashish Arya, Dr. Mohit sharma, Dr. Jatin Ghai, Dr. Dushyant Kumar Garg INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-9 | September-2019

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