Volume : I, Issue : IX, June - 2012

Role of NGOs in Social Mobilization in the context of SGSY

Dr. Veershetty C. Tadalapur

Abstract :

The success of the Rural Development depends upon the active participation and willing co–operation of the rural people through self–help organizations and voluntary agencies. In recent years, the voluntary agencies have acquired greater importance and significance than before. Voluntary action stimulated and promoted by voluntary agencies engaged in development play a significant role at the grass roots level in the Indian social milieu; The NGOs and Government Departments are also struggling hard to organize the people through social mobilization process for eliciting their participation in the successful implementation of the development programmes. Some have succeeded in the process and some are still struggling in progressive direction. The study on Role of NGO in Social Mobilization in the context of SGSY has assumed greater significance. Moreover, in recent years, the role of NGOs in Social Mobilization for development programmes particularly in the context of SGSY, are increasingly lauded by development agencies, decision makers, officials etc. Indeed, social mobilization is as an effective intervention with a positive impact on Socio Economic improvement of rural people.In responding to the contemporary importance, in the context of SGSY scheme, there is an emerging need to understand various methods used and adopted by the NGOs in the process of social mobilization for the promotion of SHG and implementation of SGSY

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Dr.Veershetty C. Tadalapur Role of NGOs in Social Mobilization in the context of SGSY Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.IX June 2012

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