Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2014

Role of Micro Finance in India–A Study

Mrs. Amrutha Varshini V Mr. Lokesha K

Abstract :

Traditionally, banks have not provided financial services, such as loans, to clients with little or no cash income. This is especially true in developing economies that lack a strong financial system. So poor people borrow and often rely on relatives or a local moneylender, whose interest rates can be very high. But now, the world of microfinance opens the door of opportunity for the poor. It helps create stability at home, teaches individuals how to thrive, and fosters self–respect and community well–being. With financial inclusion emerging as a major policy objective in the country, microfinance has occupied centre stage as a promising conduit for extending financial services for needed people. The present paper focuses on the concept of micro finance and its need in India. Further the paper concentrates on different delivery models and obstacles of micro finance.

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Mrs. Amrutha Varshini V Mr.Lokesha K Role of Micro Finance in India–A Study Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue.VI June 2014

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